talkative fraternizing in the "they" and in what "they" want to undertake.
Resoluteness, by its ontological essence, is always the resoluteness of some factical Dasein at a particular time. The essence of Dasein as an entity is its existence. Resoluteness 'exists' only as a resolution [Entschluss] which understandingly projects itself. But on what basis does Dasein disclose itself in resoluteness? On what is it to resolve?1 Only the resolution itself can give the answer. One would completely misunderstand the phenomenon of resoluteness if one should want to suppose that this consists simply in taking up possibilities which have been proposed and recommended, and seizing hold of them. The resolution is precisely the disclosive projection and determination of what is factically possible at the time. To resoluteness, the indefiniteness characteristic of every potentiality-for-Being into which Dasein has been factically thrown, is something that necessarily belongs. Only in a resolution is resoluteness sure of itself. The existentiell indefiniteness of resoluteness never makes itself definite except in a resolution; yet it has, all the same, its existential definiteness.
What one resolves upon in resoluteness has been prescribed ontologically in the existentiality of Dasein in general as a potentiality-for-Being in the manner of concernful solicitude. As care, however, Dasein has been Determined by facticity and falling. Disclosed in its 'there', it maintains itself both in truth and in untruth with equal primordiality.xiii This 'really' holds in particular for resoluteness as authentic truth. Resoluteness [299] appropriates untruth authentically. Dasein is already in irresoluteness [Unentschlossenheit], and soon, perhaps, will be in it again. The term "irresoluteness' merely expresses that phenomenon which we have Interpreted as a Being-surrendered to the way in which things have been prevalently interpreted by the "they". Dasein, as a they-self, gets 'lived' by the common-sense ambiguity of that publicness in which nobody resolves upon anything but which has always made its decision.2 "Resoluteness" signifies letting oneself be summoned out of one's lostness in the "they". The irresoluteness of the "they" remains dominant notwithstanding, but it cannot impugn resolute existence. In the counter-concept to irresoluteness, as resoluteness as existentially understood, we do not have in mind any ontico-psychical characteristic in the sense of Being-burdened with inhibitions. Even resolutions remain dependent upon
1 'Aber woraufhin erschliesst sich das Dasein in der Entschlossenheit? Wozu soll es sich entschliessen?' (For similar constructions with 'woraufhin' etc. and 'erschliessen', see H. 141, 143, 145 above.)
2 'Das Dasein wird als Man-selbst von der verständigen Zweideutigkeit der Öffentlichkeit "gelebt", in der sich niemand entschliesst, und die doch schon immer beschlossen hat.' The etymological connection between 'entschliesst' and 'beschlossen' is lost in our translation.