Translator's Forewardxv
3The Fundamental Question of Philosophy and the Fundamental Happening of Our History
3§ 1. The spiritual-political mission as a decision for the fundamental question
5§ 2. The Greek questioning in poetry and thought and the inception of philosophy. Philosophy as the incessant, historical, questioning struggle over the essence and Being of beings
7§ 3. What philosophy is not. Rejection of inadequate attempts to define it
10§ 4. The fundamental question of philosophy and the confrontation with the history of the Western spirit in its highest position: Hegel
The Fundamental Question and Metaphysics:
Preparation for a Confrontation with Hegel
Chapter One
15The Development, Transformation, and Christianization of Traditional Metaphysics
15§ 5. Considerations for the confrontation with Hegel
17§ 6. The concept of metaphysics and its transformation up to the time of classical modern metaphysics
17a) The origin of the concept of metaphysics as a bibliographical title for particular Aristotelian writings (μετὰ τὰ φυσικά)
18b) From the bibliographical title to the substantive concept. The Christian transformation of the concept of metaphysics: knowledge of the supersensible (trans physicam)
20§ 7. Kant’s critical question regarding the possibility of metaphysical cognition and the classical division of metaphysics
20a) On the influence of the Christianization of the concept of metaphysics
21b) The three rational disciplines of modern metaphysics and Kant’s question regarding the inner possibility and limits of metaphysical cognition as cognition on the basis of pure reason
Chapter Two
23The System of Modern Metaphysics and the First of Its Primary Determining Grounds: The Mathematical
23§ 8. Preliminary remarks on the concept and meaning of the mathematical in metaphysics
23a) The task: a historical return to the turning points in the concept of metaphysics
25b) The Greek concept of the teachable and learnable (τὰ μαθήματα) and the inner connection between the “mathematical” and the “methodological”
29§ 9. The precedence of the mathematical and its advance decision regarding the content of modern philosophy: the possible idea of knowability and truth
30§ 10. Modern metaphysics in its illusory new inception with Descartes and its errors
30a) The usual picture of Descartes: the rigorous new grounding of philosophy on the basis of radical doubt
31b) The illusion of radicalism and the new grounding in Descartes under the predominance of the mathematical conception of method
32α) Methodical doubt as the way to what is ultimately indubitable. The simplest and most perspicuous as fundamentum
33β) The process of doubt as an illusion. The substantive advance ruling in favor of something indubitable that has the character of the present-at-hand
33γ) The fundamentum as the I
33δ) The I as self. Self-reflection as a delusion
34ε) The essence of the I (self) as consciousness
34ζ) The self as I and the I as “subject.” The transformation of the concept of the subject
35c) The substantive consequence of the predominance of the mathematical conception of method: the failure to reach the authentic self of man and the failure of the fundamental question of philosophy. The advance decision of mathematical certainty regarding truth and Being
37§ 11. The predominance of the mathematical conception of method in the formation of metaphysical systems in the eighteenth century
38§ 12. Introductory concepts from Wolff’s Ontology. The point of departure: the philosophical principles of all human cognition
Chapter Three
41Determination by Christianity and the Concept of Mathematical-Methodological Grounding in the Metaphysical Systems of Modernity
41§ 13. The two main tasks that frame modern metaphysics: the grounding of the essence of Being in general and the proof of the essence and existence of God
42§ 14. The mathematical character of the system at the basis of Baumgarten’s metaphysics
42a) The concept of veritas metaphysica: the agreement of what is with the most universal principles
43b) Preliminary considerations on the principial character of the principle by which the ens in communi is supposed to be determined
44§ 15. Baumgarten’s starting point as the possibile (what can be) and the logical principle of contradiction as the absolutely first principle of metaphysics
45§ 16. Remarks on the grounding of the principium primum. The principle of contradiction and human Dasein: the preservation of the selfsameness of the selfsame
48§ 17. The mathematical-logical determination of the starting point, goal, and deductive method in Baumgarten’s metaphysical system
49a) The summum ens as perfectissimum. The belonging of the perfectum to the concept of Being and its suitability as leading to the highest being
50b) The main steps in the construction of the metaphysical system
50α) Beginning with what is thinkable in thought as judgment (assertion) and the principle of sufficient reason
51β) The logical delimitation of the ens. Possibilitas as essentia (what-Being): compatibility of the internal and simple determinations
52γ) The relatio ad unum of essentia as perfectum. The mathematical sense of the concord of the perfectum
53δ) The suitability of the perfectum as leading to the summum ens: the mathematically-logically necessary capacity of the perfectum to be increased to the perfectissimum
53ε) The summum ens as perfectissimum and the inherent determinations of its Being
Chapter Four
55Hegel: The Completion of Metaphysics as Theo-logic
55§ 18. Transition to Hegel
56§ 19. The fundamental character of Hegelian metaphysics. Metaphysics as theo-logic
57a) Hegel’s metaphysics as logic
57α) The science of logic as authentic metaphysics
57β) Metaphysics as logic in its higher form. The logic of the logos as logic of the pure essentialities
59γ) The higher logic as logic of reason
59αα) The essence of reason as self-conscious knowing
59ββ) The truth (the self-knowledge) of reason as absolute spirit
60b) Logic as the system of the absolute self-consciousness of God: theo-logic
61§ 20. The completion of Western philosophy in metaphysics as theo-logic and the questionworthiness of this “completion”
62§ 21. Confrontation and engagement
67The Question of Essence as Insidious and Unavoidable
67§ 1. The question of the essence of truth and the willing of what is true in our Dasein
§ 2. The question of the essence of essence.
Presuppositions and beginning
a) Dasein’s becoming essential in authentic care for its ability
to be and the putting to work of the essence of things.
The how of essence
b) The question of the what of essence. Harkening back to the Greek inception
72§ 3. The saying of Heraclitus. Struggle as the essence of beings
72a) The first part of the saying. Struggle as the power of generation and preservation: innermost necessity of beings
74b) The second part of the saying. The sway of the double power of struggle and the decisive domains of power
76§ 4. On the truth of the Heraclitean saying
76a) Two traditional meanings of truth. Truth as un-concealment (ἀ-λήθεια) and as correctness
79b) The indeterminate prior knowing of truth and the superior power of Being
80§ 5. On truth and language
80a) The human bond to the superior power of Being and the necessity of language
81b) The logical-grammatical conception of language
83c) The characterization of language as sign and expression
83d) Toward a positive delimitation of the essence of language
84e) The ability to keep silent as the origin and ground of language
89f) Language as the gathered openedness for the overpowering surge of beings
90g) Language as lawgiving gathering and revelation of the structure of beings
91h) Language as λόγος and as μῦθος
92§ 6. The double sway of the struggle (ἔδειξε—ἐποίησε) as indication of the connection between Being and truth
93§ 7. The historical transformation of the essence of truth and Dasein
94§ 8. The disappearance of truth as un-concealment in the traditional transmission of the concept of truth
94a) The long-accustomed conception of truth as correctness. The agreement between proposition and thing
96b) The last struggle between the earlier (inceptive) and later concept of truth in the philosophy of Plato
97§ 9. The start of the investigation with the myth of the “allegory of the cave” as the center of Platonic philosophy
Part One
Truth and Freedom: An Interpretation of the Allegory of the Cave in Plato’s Republic
Chapter One
101The Four Stages of the Happening of Truth
101§ 10.Interpretive procedure and the structure of the allegory of the cave
A. The first stage (514a–515c)
103§ 11. The situation of the human being in the subterranean cave
104§ 12. What is unconcealed in the cave
B. The second stage (515c–515e5)
106§ 13. A “liberation” of the human being within the cave
108§ 14. Expanded conception of unconcealment in the failure of the first attempt at liberation
C. The third stage (515e5–516e2)
110§ 15. The authentic liberation of the human being to the originary light
113§ 16. Liberation and unconcealment. Four questions about their connection
115§ 17. On the concept of the idea
115a) Preliminary remark on the significance of the doctrine of the ideas in the history of spirit
116b) The fundamental orientation of knowledge toward “seeing” and what is seen
118§ 18. Idea and light
118a) On the idea in the context of Platonic thought. The priority of seeing and its broader concept
119b) The seeing of what-Being. Idea and Being: presencing—self-presence in the view
120c) The essence of light and brightness: transparency that is perceived and seen in advance
122§ 19. Light and freedom
122a) On the determination of man on the basis of seeing, hearing, and speaking
124b) Freedom as binding oneself to the illuminating
125§ 20. Freedom and beings (Being)
125a) Freedom as binding oneself to the essential law of Dasein and of things
126b) The view of essence that reaches ahead as a projection of Being (with examples from nature, history, art, and poetry)
128§ 21. On the question of the essence of truth as unconcealment
128a) The doctrine of ideas and the question of truth
129b) Degrees of unconcealment. The ideas as what is originally unconcealed (ἀληθινόν) and what is in the proper sense (ὄντως ὄν)
132c) The ideas as what is seen in a pre-figuring (projective) viewing
133d) On the question of the character of the Being of the ideas
134§ 22. The happening of truth and the human essence
134a) The allegory of the cave as history (happening) of man
135b) Unconcealing as a fundamental characteristic of human ex-sistence
136c) On the essential determination of man. Truth as a fundamental happening in the human essence
D. The fourth stage (516e3–517a6)
138§ 23. The return of the liberated man into the cave
140§ 24. The philosopher as liberator. His fate in the happening of revealing and concealing
Chapter Two
143The Idea of the Good and Unconcealment
143§ 25. Being free: acting together in the historical con-frontation of truth and untruth
143a) The philosopher’s freedom: being a liberator in the transition
144b) Truth and untruth. Modes of untruth as concealment
145§ 26. The idea of the good as highest idea: the empowerment of Being and unconcealment
146a) The idea of the idea. On grasping the highest idea on the basis of the general essence of idea
148b) Approach to the complete determination of the idea of the good as the highest idea
149§ 27. The idea of the good and light as the yoke between seeing and the visible—truth and Being
149a) Seeing (ὁρᾶν) and understanding that apprehends (νοεῖν)
152b) The good as the higher empowering power for Being and truth in their linked essence
153§ 28. The development of the essence of truth as history of humanity
153a) Review: the inner order of the question of the essence of truth
155b) The good as the empowerment of truth and Being in their belonging together
157c) Philosophy as παιδεία of humanity for the innermost change in its Being. The development of the essence of truth through human history
159On 30 January 1933: Kolbenheyer
d) On the proper approach to the question of the human essence
Chapter Three
165The Question of the Essence of Untruth
165§ 29. The disappearance of the fundamental experience of ἀλήθεια and the necessity of a transformed retrieval of the question of truth
165a) The question of the essence of truth as the question of the history of the human essence
167b) The existential determination of human Being and the question of the truth of humanity
168c) The lack of questioning about the Being of the good as yoke and about unconcealment as such
170d) The necessity of a transformed retrieval
171§ 30. The lack of questioning about the essence of concealment from which the un-concealed can be wrested
171a) The transformation of the question of the essence of truth into the question of untruth
172b) Preliminary clarification of the fundamental concepts: ψεῦδος, λήθη, and ἀ-λήθεια
Part Two
An Interpretation of Plato’s Theaetetus with Regard to the Question of the Essence of Untruth
Chapter One
177Preliminary Considerations on the Greek Concept of Knowledge
177§ 31. On the question of the essence of ἐπιστήμη
179§ 32. Fundamental points concerning the Greek concept of knowledge
a) The basis for the detour through Greek philosophy
180b) The breadth and the fundamental meaning of the Greek concept of knowledge and the origin of the question of untruth
Chapter Two
184Theaetetus’s Answers to the Question of the Essence of Knowledge and their Rejection
§ 33. The first answer: ἐπιστήμη is αἴσθησις
Critical delimitation of the essence of perception
a) αἴσθησις as the fundamental form of apprehending things and allowing them to come upon us. The determinate, yet limited openness of αἴσθησις
186b) The insufficiency of αἴσθησις for distinguishing the manifold domains of what is perceived and the characteristics of their Being
187c) The soul as the relation to beings that unifies and holds open
188§ 34. The second answer: ἐπιστήμη is δόξα
188a) The double sense of δόξα as view: look and belief
189b) The apparent suitability of δόξα as ἐπιστήμη: its double character corresponds to αἴσθησις and διάνοια
190c) The multiple ambiguity of δόξα. The split between letting-appear and distorting: the arising of the ψεῦδος in the question of the essence of knowledge
Chapter Three
192The Question of the Possibility of ψευδὴς δόξα
192§ 35. Preliminary investigation: the impossibility of the phenomenon of ψευδὴς δόξα
192a) The arising of the ψεῦδος in the elucidation of δόξα as ἐπιστήμη
193b) The field of vision of the preliminary investigation as an advance decision about the impossibility of the phenomenon
193α) The alternatives of familiarity and unfamiliarity
194β) The alternatives of Being and not-Being
194γ) ψευδὴς δόξα as ἀλλοδοξία (substitution instead of confusion)
195§ 36. The decision for the phenomenon of ψευδὴς δόξα
195a) On the scope and character of the decision
196b) The new starting point for posing the question by way of the deepened question concerning the constitution of the soul
197§ 37. Determining the soul more deeply and broadly through two similes
197a) The wax simile. Being mindful (making-present)
198b) The aviary simile. Modes of containing
199§ 38. Clarification of the double sense of δόξα. Mistakes are made possible by the bifurcation of δόξα into presencing and making-present
200§ 39. The essence of truth as historical man’s struggle with untruth. Untruth is posited with the enabling of the essence of truth
Appendix I
Notes and drafts for the lecture course of Summer Semester 1933
1.–8. The fundamental question of philosophy
2089. Cessation
20910. Our historical meditation
20911. Kant’s authentic work {re: [German] p. 26}
21012. {Remembering our intention}
21013. The confrontation with Hegel’s metaphysics
21114. The confrontation with Hegel (Kierkegaard and Nietzsche)
21215. {The Christian and the mathematical in Hegel}
21216. Kierkegaard and Hegel—Nietzsche and Hegel
21317. {Inception and semblance}
Appendix II
Notes and drafts for the lecture course of Winter Semester 1933–1934
1. Thomas: veritas; intellectus
2152. {The dominant conception of truth as correctness
2163. Context
2164. {The question of truth as question of a historical decision}
2165. Recapitulation of the lecture, 9 January 1934
2176. {Plato’s allegory of the cave}
2177. {On the inner order of our questioning}
2238. {Truth—untruth; transition to Theaetetus}
2239. Translation and elucidation of Plato, Theaetetus 184–87
22310. Theaetetus 184b ff.
22411. Theaetetus 184d {re: §33c}
Editor’s Afterword
German–English Glossary
Being and Truth (GA 36/37) [GA App]