I. Prospect [9-10]

3. Of the event

the resonating

the interplay

the leap

the grounding

the future ones

the last god

The resonating of beyng in its refusal.

The interplay of the questioning of beyng. The interplay commences with the first beginning playing over to the other beginning, in order to bring the latter into play such that out of this mutual interplay, the preparation for the leap develops.

The leap into beyng. The leap leaps into the abyss of the fissure and so for the first time attains the necessity of grounding Da-sein, which is assigned out of beyng.

The grounding of truth as truth of beyng: (Da-sein).

4. Of the event

Here everything is placed in relation to the unique question of the truth of beyng, i.e., in relation to questioning. In order for this attempt to become an actual impetus, the wonder of questioning must be experienced in carrying it out and must be made effective as an awakening and strengthening of the power to question.

Questioning arouses immediately the suspicion of amounting to an empty, obstinate attachment to the uncertain, undecided, and undecidable. Questioning appears as a backtracking of "knowledge" into idle meditation. It seems to be narrowing and hampering, if not even negating.

Nevertheless: in questioning reside the tempestuous advance that says "yes" to what has not been mastered and the broadening out into ponderable, yet unexplored, realms. What reigns here is a self-surpassing into something above ourselves. To question is to be liberated for what, while remaining concealed, is compelling.

Questioning is, in its seldom-experienced essence, so utterly different from the way it appears in its distorted essence that it often extracts

Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) (GA 65) by Martin Heidegger