V. The Grounding [310-311]

human being is the being which has broken out into the open. Initially and for a long time, however, the human being is ignorant of this outbreak and at last takes its measure, entirely and for the first time, on the basis of the abandonment by being.

Outbreak and abandonment, intimation and entry—these are the occurrences of appropriation; they belong together, and in them, apparently seen only from the human standpoint, the event opens up (cf. domain of what is proper):

Human being← E →Gods (There)

From here we can already see which unitarily disposed power of projection is required in order to carry out the leap that opens up as a leap into Da-sein and in order to prepare the grounding in a sufficiently questioning and knowing way.

Da-sein is the occurrence of the sundering of the axis for the turning of the event. Sundering, first and foremost sundering, is appropriating, and out of it arise respectively the historical human being and the essential occurrence of being, the nearing and distancing of the gods.

Here is no longer any "encountering," no appearing for the human who has already been established in advance and merely adheres henceforth to what appeared.

The deepest essence of history rests also in the fact that the sundering appropriation (which grounds truth) first lets arise those who, in dependence on one another, first turn to and away from one another within the event of the turning.

This sundering of nearing and distancing, which decides in each case between abandonment and intimation or which from here veils itself in undecidedness, is the origin of time-space and is the realm of strife.

Da-sein is the enduring of the essential occurrence of the truth of beyng.

Unfolding of the thereness of the "there" as the grounding of Da-sein.

The "there" essentially occurs and in so doing must be taken up into the being of Da-sein; the "between."

191. Da-sein

is the axis in the turning of the event, the self-opening center of the counterplay between call and belonging. Da-sein is the "domain of

Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) (GA 65) by Martin Heidegger