Admittedly, this was not a philosophical solution but an avoidance of the problem. Yet it provided genuine philosophical impetus, which surfaces again and again in the great philosophers, finally in grand style with Hegel.
For now we must leave hanging the questions of what and how the ideas are, and of whether we may even ask about them in this way. As what is sighted by a pre-modelling perceiving, the ideas are neither objectively present nor subjectively produced. Both, what is sighted as such, and the perceiving, together belong to the origination of unhiddenness, that is, to the occurrence of truth.
c) Deconcealment as the Fundamental Occurrence of the Ex-istence of Man
When unhiddenness occurs, hiddenness and concealing are overcome and removed. The removal of concealment, that which acts against concealing, we shall henceforth call de-concealing [Ent-bergen]. The characteristic perceiving of the idea, this projecting, is deconcealing [ist entbergend]. At first this appears to be just another word. This perceiving as pre-modelling binding of oneself to being, which is the proper meaning of liberation, deconceals not in an incidental sense, but this looking-into-the-light has the essential character of deconcealing and is nothing else but this. To be deconcealing is the innermost accomplishment of liberation. It is care [Sorge] itself: becoming-free as binding oneself to the ideas, as letting being give the lead. Therefore becoming-free, this perceiving of the ideas, this understanding-in-advance of being and the essence of things, has the character of deconcealing [ist entbergsam], i.e. deconcealing belongs to the inner drive of this seeing. Deconcealing is the innermost nature of looking-into-the-light.
What we call deconcealment [Entbergsamkeit] is that which, in its fundamental accomplishment, primordially carries, unfolds and brings together the oft-mentioned phenomena of perceiving, viewing, light and freedom. What we describe in this way is the unity of perceiving, which in a sense first creates the perceivable in its innermost connection. The unhiddenness of beings happens in and through deconcealment. It is a projecting - opening order [entwerfendend-eroffnender Auftrag] that calls for decision. The essence of unhiddenness is deconcealment.
This latter proposition, if taken as a definition, would very likely be laughed at by the common understanding. Unhiddenness as deconcealment: