Translator’s Foreword
The task of the lectures and the passion for questioning genuinely and rightly
Chapter One
Elucidation of the expression "phenomenology" by going back to Aristotle
§ 1. Clarification of φαινόμενον on the basis of the Aristotelian analysis of perceiving the world by way of seeing
4a) Φαινομενον as a distinctive manner of an entity's presence: existence during the day
7b) Φαινομενον as anything that of itself shows itself in daylight or darkness
9§ 2 The Aristotelian determination of λόγος
9a) Talk (λόγος) as a voice that means something (φωνὴ σημαντική); ὄνομα and ῥῆμα.
14b) The ostensive talk (λόγος ἀποφαντικός) that reveals (ἀληθεύειν) or conceals (ψεύδεσθαι) the existing world in affirming (κατάφασις) and denying (ἀπόφασις); the ὁρισμός
18c) The possibility of deception, the λόγος ἀποφαντικός and the αἴσθησις
23d) The three aspects of ψεῦδος. The factical existence of speaking as an authentic source of deception. Circumstantiality and elusiveness of the world
29e) Speaking and the world in its possibilities of deception. The shift of the meaning of φαινόμενον into illusion
30f) Σύνθεσις and διαίρεσις as the realm of the possibilities of the true and the false
Chapter Two
Present-day phenomenology in Husserl's self-interpretation
§ 3. Recapitulation of the facts of the matter gathered from the interpretation of Aristotle. Anticipation of the predominance of care about the idea of certainty and evidence over freeing up possibilities of encountering fundamental facts of the matter
35§ 4. Consciousness as the theme of present-day phenomenology
36a) Greek philosophy without a concept of consciousness
37b) Phenomenology's breakthrough in Husserl's Logical Investigations and their basic tendency
38c) The orientation of Greek philosophy and the question of its reversal
39§ 5. The theme of "consciousness" in the Logical Investigations
39a) The Logical Investigations between a traditional orientation and primordial questioning
40b) Ideal meaning and acts of meaning; emptily meaning something and meaning-fulfillment; consciousness as the region of experiences; intentional experiences as acts; consciousness as inner perception
42§ 6. The care about already known knowledge, in which consciousness stands
42a) Care and its possibilities of disclosing, holding onto, and shaping what it takes care of; its commitment to and loss of itself in what it takes care of
43b) Care about already known knowledge
45§ 7. Husserl's polemic with contemporary philosophy in the essay "Philosophy as Rigorous Science" and the care about already known knowledge at work in it. The general aim of this essay
47§ 8. Husserl's critique of naturalism
47a) Naturalization of consciousness
49b) Naturalization of ideas
50c) Nature's being as experimental psychology's horizon
51d) The peculiar being of consciousness as the true object of philosophy and the method of discerning essences to acquire universally binding sentences
52§ 9. Clarification of the problems as purification and radicalization of their bias. The care about securing and justifying an absolute scientific status
53§ 10. Clarification of problems
54a) The question and its structures
56b) The problem and the factors of its being: clarifying the problem as a matter of co-deciding on what is to be interrogated, what it is asked, the regard in question, and the tendency of the answer
58c) Husserl's clarification of the tendency of the problem of naturalism through transcendental and eidetic purification of consciousness. Absolute Validity and evidence
59§ 11. Order of the inquiry and clue to the explication of the structure of all experiential connections
59a) Orientation toward connections among disciplines: philosophy as a science of norms and values
60b) Theoretical knowing as the clue
61§ 12. Characteristic factors of care about already known knowledge in Husserl's critique of naturalism: back-flash, falling-prey, pre-constructing, ensnarement, neglect
64§ 13. Husserl's critique of historicism
64a) The different basis of this critique
65b) The neglect of human existence, in the deficient care, care about absolute, normative lawfulness
66§ 14. Critique of historicism on the path of the clarification of problems
66a) Husserl's critique of Dilthey
67b) Historical existence as the object of neglect
68c) Origin and legitimacy of the contrast between matter of factness and validity
69d) The reproach of skepticism and the care revealing itself therein, care about already known knowledge as anxiety in the face of existence
70e) The preconceptions about existence at work in this care
72§ 15. Making more precise what care about already known knowledge is
73a) Care about justified knowledge, about a universally binding character that is evident
73b) "To the matters themselves": care about matters prefigured by a universally binding character
74c) Care about the rigor of science as derivative seriousness; the mathematical idea of rigor, uncritically set up as an absolute norm
75§ 16. Disclosing the thematic field of "consciousness" through the care about already known knowledge. Return to the historical, concrete instance of the care
75a) Care's circumspection and aim
76b) Descartes' research as a factically-historical, concrete instance of the care in its disclosing of the thematic field of "consciousness"
Chapter One
Making sense of the return to Descartes by recalling what has been
elaborated up to this point
§ 17. The hermeneutic situation of the investigations up to this point and of those standing before us
81§ 18. Becoming free from the discipline and traditional possibilities as a way of becoming free for existence. Investigation as destruction in the ontological investigation of existence
83§ 19. Return to the genuine being of care about already known knowledge in its primordial past as a return to Descartes
85§ 20. Destruction as the path of the interpretation of existence. Three tasks for the explication of how, in its being, care about already known knowledge is disclosive. The question of the sense of the truth of knowledge in Descartes
Chapter Two
Descartes. The how and the what of the being-qua-disclosing of care
about knowledge already known
§ 21. Determinations of "truth"
91§ 22. Three possibilities of care about already known knowledge: curiosity, certitude, being binding
Chapter Three
Descartes' determination of falsum and verum
§ 23. Preview of the context of the question
95§ 24. The cogito sum, the clara et distincta perceptio, and the task of securing, in keeping with being, the criterion of truth
98§ 25. Descartes' classification of the variety of cogitationes. The judicium as the place for the verum and falsum
101§ 26. The distinction between the idea as repraesentans aliquid and its repraesentatum; realitas objectiva and realitas formalis sive actualis [the distinction between the idea as representing something and what it represents; objective reality and formal or actual reality
107§ 27. The question of the being of the falsum and error
107a) The constitution of error: intellectus and voluntas as libertas; Descartes' two concepts of freedom
112b) The concursus of intellectus and voluntas [the concurrence of the intellect and the will] as the being of error. Theological problems as the foundation of both concepts of freedom
116§ 28. The sense of being of error: error as res and as privatio, as detrimental to the genuine being of the created human being (creatum esse). Perceptum esse and creatum esse as basic determinations of the esse of the res cogitans
Chapter Four
Going back to Scholastic ontology: the verum esse in Thomas Aquinas
§ 29. The connection of the verum and the ens: being-true as a mode of being (De veritate, q. 1, art. 1)
126§ 30. The genuine being of the verum as convenientia in intellectus (De veritate, q. 1, art. 1-3)
132§ 31. In what sense the verum is in the intellectus (De veritate, q. 1, art. 9)
137§ 32. The grounding of verum's genuine being in the primordial truth of God (De veritate, q. 1, art. 4 and 8)
142§ 33. The ways of being able to determine God's being from the perspective of Aristotelian ontology (Summa theologica, vol. 1, q. 2-3)
Chapter Five
The care of knowledge in Descartes
§ 34. Descartes' determination of knowing's manner of being as judging, against the horizon of being as creatum esse
152§ 35. The regimentation of judging: clara et distincta perceptio as a universal rule of knowing
156§ 36. The origin of clarity and distinctness. Descartes' idea of science and the rules for the direction of the mind
168§ 37. The care of knowing as care about certainty, as mistaking oneself
171§ 38. The care that tranquilizes. Descartes' interpretation of the verum as certum while retaining Scholastic ontology
Chapter Six
The character of being of the res cogitans, of consciousness
§ 39. The certum aliquid as what is sought by the care of knowing
175§ 40. The caring search as dubitare, remotio and suppositio falsi
176§ 41. The path of the caring dubitatio in the First Meditation subject to the regula generalis: the being of the searcher (ego sum) as the first thing found
184§ 42. The caring search in the Second Meditation for what the ego sum is under the guidance of the regula generalis: the ego cogito
186§ 43. What is found by the care about certainty: a valid, universally binding proposition
Chapter One
Misplacing the question of the res cogitans' specific being
through care about certainty
§ 44. Descartes' perversion of "having-oneself-with" into a formally-ontological proposition
194§ 45. Summary characterization of the res cogitans found by Descartes: misplacing the possibility of access to the res cogitans' genuine being
Chapter Two
Descartes' inquiry into res cogitans' being-certain and the lack
of specification of the character of being of consciousness
as the thematic field of Busserl's phenomenology
§ 46. Descartes and Husserl: fundamental differences
199a) Descartes' way of doubt (remotio) and Husserl's reduction
200b) Descartes' cogito and Husserl's consciousness
202c) The absolutum of Descartes' res cogitans and the absoluteness of Husserl's pure consciousness
203d) Descartes' res cogitans as ens creatum and Husserl's pure consciousness as ens regionale
203e) The connection that ultimately motivates Descartes' research and the tendencies that are ultimately decisive for Husserl's phenomenology
205§ 47. Husserl and Descartes: connection and uniform basic tendency in the care about certainty
205a) Undiscussed appropriation of the cogito sum
205b) Explicitly laying claim to the certitudo for the absolute region of being
206c) The uprooting that occurs in taking over the cogito sum as the certum for the process of setting up consciousness' absolute self-evidence as the nucleus
206d) Care about certainty as care about the formation of science
Chapter Three
Husserl's more primordial neglect of the question of being, opposite the thematic
field of phenomenology, and the task of seeing and explicating existence in its being
§ 48. Husserl's mangling of phenomenological finds through the care, derived from Descartes, about certainty
209a) Intentionality as specific, theoretical. behavior
209b) Evidence as theoretical knowing's evidence in grasping and determining
210c) Eidetic reduction of pure consciousness under the guidance of ontological determinations alien to consciousness
211§ 49. Investigation of the history of the origin of the categories as a presupposition for seeing and determining existence
213§ 50. Retrieval of the characteristics of the care of knowing that have been run through and pointing to existence itself in terms of some fundamental determinations
214a) Three groups of characters of care about already known knowledge and their determination as a unity
215α) Overstepping oneself, mistaking-oneself, tranquilizing, and masking as remoteness from being
216β) Misplacing, rise of needlessness, and falling prey as the absence of existence's temporality
217γ) Obstructing and diverting as leveling being
217b) Flight of existence in the face of itself and the uncoveredness of its being-in-a-world, burying any possibility of encountering it, distorting as a basic movement of existence
220c) Facticity, threat, eeriness, everydayness
Supplements to the lectures from the lecture notes of
Helene Weiß and Herbert Marcuse
Supplement 1 (to p. 4)
223Supplement 2 (to p. 6)
224Supplement 3 (to p. 21)
224Supplement 4 (to p. 22)
225Supplement 5 (to p. 30)
227Supplement 6 (to p. 36)
227Supplement 7 (to p. 41)
227Supplement 8 (to p. 52)
228Supplement 9 (to p. 65)
228Supplement 10 (to p. 69)
229Supplement 11 (to p. 69)
229Supplement 12 (to p. 74)
230Supplement 13 (to p. 74)
231Supplement 14 (to p. 77)
231Supplement 15 (to p. 79)
233Supplement 16 (to p. 93)
233Supplement 17 (to p. 98)
234Supplement 18 (to p. 106)
234Supplement 19 (to p. 107)
234Supplement 20 (to p. 112)
235Supplement 21 (to p. 116)
236Supplement 22 (to p. 123)
236Supplement 23 (to p. 152)
237Supplement 24 (to p. 160)
237Supplement 25 (to p. 189)
239Supplement 26 (to p. 197)
239Supplement 27 (to p. 207)
239Supplement 28 (to p. 208)
240Supplement 29 (to p. 210)
240Supplement 30 (to p. 221)
Editor’s afterword