Editor's Preface
11. The Doctrine of Eternal Return as the Fundamental Thought of Nietzsche's Metaphysics
92. The Genesis of the Doctrine of Return
193. Nietzsche's First Communication of the Doctrine of Return
284. "Incipit tragoedia"
325. The Second Communication of the Doctrine of Return
376. "On the Vision and the Riddle"
457. Zarathustra's Animals
498. "The Convalescent"
639. The Third Communication of the Doctrine of Return
7010. The Thought of Return in the Suppressed Notes
7411. The Four Notes Dated August 1881
8212. Summary Presentation of the Thought: Being as a Whole as Life and Force; the World as Chaos
9813. Suspicions Concerning the "Humanization" of Beings
10614. Nietzsche's Proof of the Doctrine of Return
11115. The Ostensibly Scientific Procedure of Proof. Philosophy and Science
11516. The Character of "Proof" for the Doctrine of Return
12117. The Thought of Return as a Belief
13318. The Thought of Return-and Freedom
14119. Retrospect on the Notes from the Period of The Gay Science, 1881-82
14420. Notes from the Zarathustra Period, 1883-84
15021. Notes from the Period of "The Will to Power," 1884-88
16622. The Configuration of the Doctrine of Return
17023. The Domain of the Thought of Return: The Doctrine of Return as the Overcoming of Nihilism
17624. Moment and Eternal Recurrence
18425. The Essence of a Fundamental Metaphysical Position; The Possibility of Such Positions in the History of Western Philosophy
19826. Nietzsche's Fundamental Metaphysical Position
Analysis by David Farrell Krell
Martin Heidegger - Nietzsche II. The Eternal Recurrence of the Same