The Question of Truth [16-17] 16

thinking, and corresponds to it, it has lasted throughout the centuries and has long ago been hardened into something taken for granted.

Truth is correctness, or in the more usual formula: truth is the correspondence of knowledge (representation, thought, judgment, assertion) with the object.


§7. The controversy between idealism and realism on the common soil of a conception of truth as the correctness of a representation.

To be sure, in the course of time objections arose against this conception of truth. These objections were based, specifically, on doubt as to whether our representations reached the being itself in itself at all and did not rather remain enclosed within the circuit of their own activity, hence in the realm of the "soul," the "spirit," "consciousness," the "ego." Surrender to this doubt leads to the view that what we attain in our representing is always only something re-presented by us, hence is itself a representation. Consequently knowledge and assertions consist in the representation of representations and hence in a combination of representations. This combining is an activity and a process taking place merely " in our consciousness." The adherents of this doctrine believe they have "critically" purified and surpassed the usual determination of truth as correctness. But this " belief is mistaken. The doctrine that knowledge relates only to representations (the represented) merely restricts the reach of a representation; yet it still claims that this restricted representation conforms to the represented and only to the represented. Thus even

Basic Questions of Philosophy (GA 45) by Martin Heidegger