212 I.VI
Being and Time

But we showed in our earlier analysis of the worldliness of the world and of innerworldly beings that the discoveredness of innerworldly beings is grounded in the disclosedness of the world. However, disclosedness is the basic character of Dasein in accordance with which it is its there. Disclosedness is constituted by attunement, understanding, and discourse, and pertains equiprimordially to the world, being-in, and the self. The structure of care as being-ahead-of­-itself—already-being-in-a-world-as being together with innerworldly beings holds within itself the disclosedness of Dasein. With and through it is discoveredness; thus only with the disclosedness of Dasein is the most primordial phenomenon of truth attained. What is shown earlier [221] with regard to the existential constitution of the there37 and in relation to the everyday being of the there38 pertains to nothing less than the most primordial phenomenon of truth. Insofar as Dasein essentially is its disclosedness, and, as disclosed, it discloses and discovers, it is essentially "true." Dasein is "in the truth." This statement has an ontological meaning. It does not mean that Dasein is ontically always, or even only at times, inducted [eingeführt] "into every truth," but that the disclosedness of its ownmost being belongs to its existential constitution.

By considering what we have gamed so far, the full existential meaning of the statement, "Dasein is in the truth," can be summarized by the following considerations:

1. Disclosedness in general belongs essentially to the constitution of being of Dasein. It encompasses the totality of the structure of being that has become explicit through the phenomenon of care. To care there belongs not only being-in-the-world, but being together with innerworldly beings. The discoveredness of innerworldly beings is equiprimordial with the being of Dasein and its disclosedness.

2. Thrownness belongs to the constitution of being of Dasein as a constituent of its disclosedness. In thrownness it is revealed that Dasein is in each instance always mine and that this Dasein is always already in a definite world and together with a definite range of definite innerworldly beings. Disclosedness is essentially factical.

3. Project belongs to the constitution of being of Dasein: disclosive being toward its own potentiality-of-being. Dasein can, as an understanding being, understand itself in terms of the "world" and others, or else in terms of its ownmost potentiality-of-being. This possibility means that Dasein discloses itself to itself in and as its ownmost potentiality- of-being. This authentic disclosedness shows the phenomenon of the most primordial truth in the mode of authenticity. The most

37. Cf. § 29.

38. Cf. § 34b.

Martin Heidegger (GA 2) Being & Time (S&S)