This waiting-for [Entgegen-warten] awaits those things already within the remit of one's care; it looks after them and forgets that which has been [des Gewesenen]. Although futuralness [Zukünftigsein] constitutes the dominant temporal feature in concern as well, here it is determined by its entanglement with the present. This entanglement is a manner of being-in. 'At present' ['gegenwärtig'] ordinarily implies something like the presence of the world [Anwesendsein der Welt] and things of the world that we encounter. With regard to being-in, however, ensuring that something 'becomes present' means to have what one awaits encounter one in the present [gewärtigend]. Being-in is the present time [Das In-sein ist die Gegen-wart]." As a property of being-in, being present [Gegenwärtig sein] must be understood in the sense of 'presencing' ['Gegenwärtigen']. The temporalness of concern is defined by this awaiting and forgetting presencing [gewärtigende vergessende Gegenwärtigen].

The 'surrounding world is present [anwesend] not as a thing-like object [Dingobjekt] but as significance [Bedeutsamkeit]. Concerned taking-one's bearings [Sichversehen] is guided by significations. Circumspection at once surveys the situation [Lage], because 'initially', rather than groping blindly for the nearest object, it looks ahead to the circumstances. Being circumspective, it looks for suitable materials, the proper place, and the opportune moment. To search for something means to be after something [Aus-sein auf etwas] that is missing — that is no longer available — or that has so far never been available and is to be brought into presence [Anwesendsein]. This searching expresses and articulates itself by way of posing questions. Concern is also engaged in rendering things present when it inquiringly develops [nachfragenden Ausarbeitung] its particular circumspection.

In dealing with the surrounding world, one is for the most part always [66] occupied with what is 'already' there 'beforehand' ['vorweg schon' da]. Against this backdrop, what is 'nearest' comes to apparency [Vorschein]. The world is opened up by the mode of encountering described above as apparency. This is so because circumspective opening up is awaiting presencing [gewärtigendes Gegenwärtigen], which is to say that this is the way in which being-in is temporal. The curiosity described above is likewise an index of this temporalness.

In line with this, presencing is not an arbitrary and occasionally occurring property of Dasein. As being-in, Dasein presences. We must grasp the mode of its temporalness in light of its being-in.(1) We clarified

(1) the other way round! but show temporality in the interpreted being-in.


The Concept of Time - 1924 article (GA 64) by Martin Heidegger