Instituting and representation?
Quantum (according to Hegel, the sublated and now indifferent quality) includes alterability of the "what," without this "what" thereby becoming sublated.
Quantity and quantum (a magnitude—something of such and such a size).
Quantity—way of having size, having great or little size.
72. Nihilism
means, in Nietzsche's sense, that we lack all goals. Nietzsche is referring to the goals that increase in themselves and that change the human being (Whither?). Thinking in terms of "goals" (the long misunderstood τέλος ["end"] in the Greek sense) presupposes the ἰδέα and "idealism." Therefore, this "idealistic" and moral interpretation of nihilism remains provisional, despite its essentiality. In aiming at the other beginning, nihilism must be grasped more fundamentally as an essential consequence of the abandonment by being. Yet how can this abandonment come to be known and decided, if what Nietzsche already once experienced and thought through as nihilism has remained ungrasped to this day and, above alL has not compelled meditation? The very form in which Nietzsche expressed himself contributed to the fact that his "theory" of "nihilism" was taken to be an interesting cultural psychology. But the truth of his "theory" was already warded off with a sign of the cross, i.e., outspokenly or tacitly shunned as diabolical. For, so runs this self-evident consideration, where would it lead us if that were true or became true? And no one surmises that precisely this consideration—or, rather, its underlying attitude and comportment toward beings—is the genuine nihilism: the unwillingness to acknowledge the lack of goals. And so one suddenly "has goals" once again, even if merely what can possibly serve as a means for the erection and pursuit of goals is itself elevated into a goal: the people, for example. Therefore precisely where one believes one again has goals, where one is again "fortunate," where one proceeds to making equally available to all "people" the "cultural assets" (movies and trips to the beach) that were closed off to "most"—precisely here, in this noisy intoxication with "lived experience," resides the greatest nihilism, the deliberate turning of a blind eye to human goal-lessness, the "ready to wear" avoidance of any goal-setting decision, the dread of all decisive domains and of their opening. The dread of beyng was never as great as it is today. Proof: the gigantic arrangements aimed at out-screaming this