Then is the projection purely arbitrary? No, of the highest necessity; admittedly not in the sense of a logical consequence which could be demonstrated through propositions.
The necessity of the plight. Plight of what? Of beyng itself, which must bring into the open, and thus overcome, its first beginning through the other beginning.
In the usual horizon of "logic" and of the predominant thinking, the projection of the grounding of truth remains pure arbitrariness, and only here is the way free to the infinite and apparently exhaustive questioning back into the truth of the truth of the truth and so on. Here truth is taken as an object of calculation and computation, and ultimate intelligibility by an everyday machinational understanding is claimed as the measure. In fact, arbitrariness now shows itself, for this claim has no necessity—it lacks the plight since it derives its apparent justification from the lack of a sense of plight in what is self-evident. This presupposes that the claim could in some way yield to questions of justification with regard to itself, although such questions indeed lie furthest removed from everything self-evident.
And what is more self-evident than "logic"!
But the essential projection of the "there" is the unprotected carrying out of the thrownness that first emerges in the throwing.
205. The open16
is indicated only as a condition with reference to correctness, but in that way not arisen in itself.
The open:
as the free domain of the boldness of creating,
as the unprotectedness of the carrying out of thrownness; both belonging
together as the clearing of self-concealing.
The "there" as ap-propriated in the event.
This free domain over and against beings. The unprotected through beings. The temporal-spatial playing field of confusion and of intimations. That which belongs to beyng.
16. Truth and Da-sein.