involved in this steadfastness? Or, to ask the question in a different way: who is able to be Da-sein, and when and how?
What can the inceptual meditation of thoughtful saying accomplish toward the preparation of this being [Sein]?
Why must the impetus be provided at this moment by this "now," i.e., by a knowledge that questions?
To what extent is the already precedent poet Hölderlin, in his work and most unique poetic domain, our necessity only now?
227. On the essence of truth21
1. Does truth essentially occur? Why? Because only thus the essential occurrence of beyng. Why beyng?
2. The essence of truth grounds the necessity of the why and thus the necessity of questioning.
The question of truth arises for the sake of beyng, which needs our belonging as ones that ground Dasein.
3. The first question (1) is in itself the determination of the essence of truth.
4. How the question of truth is to be set up.
Starting with the essential ambiguity: "truth" meant as "what is true"; but what is true is truth as the clearing-concealment of the event.
At the beginning, this clearing an illumination, but without luster and radiance. Concealment itself all the brighter, shining through the depths of concealedness.
5. How the concept of truth as correctness, a concept with a long tradition, not only guides the question at first but also suggests that the answer to the question must be measured by the standard of correctness and that the essence of truth can thus be read off from something pregiven which renders the essence.
6. To unfold truth in its essence primarily as clearing concealment (distortion and veiling).
7. Truth as the ground of time-space, but therefore also first determinable in its essence on the basis of time-space.
8. Time-space as the site of the moment out of the turning in the event.
9. Truth and necessity of sheltering.
10. Sheltering as the playing out of the strife between world and earth.
21. Cf. lecture, "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit," 1930; Anmerkungen zu "Sein und Zeit" §44.