By the same token, "emptiness" is actually the fullness of what is still undecided and is to be decided, the abyssal ground that points to the ground, i.e., to the truth of being.
"Emptiness" is the fulfilled plight of the abandonment by being, but this as already transposed into the open and thus as related to the uniqueness of beyng and to its inexhaustibility.
"Emptiness" not as what accompanies a neediness and its plight, but as the plight of restraint which is in itself an erupting projection and the basic disposition of the most originary belonging.
To name "emptiness" that which opens itself in the ap-propriation of restraint toward the hesitant withholding is therefore inapt and still too strictly determined by a nearly insurmountable orientation toward space as a thing and time as a process.
That which opens itself for concealment is originarily the remoteness of the undecidability clinging to the question of whether the god is moving away from us or toward us. That means: in this remoteness and its undecidability, there is manifest the concealment of that which, on account of this opening, is called god.
This "remoteness" of undecidability is prior to every discrete "space" and every demarcated flowing-by of time. It is also prior to all dimensionalities, for these arise only out of the sheltering of truth, and thus of time-space, in beings and indeed primarily in objectively present and changing things.
Only where something objectively present is seized and determined does there arise the flow of "time" that flows by in it and the "space" that surrounds it.
The abyssal ground, as the first essential occurrence of the ground, grounds (allows the ground to occur essentially as ground) in the mode of temporalization and spatialization.
Yet here is the critical point for the correct conception of the abyssal ground. Temporalization and spatialization cannot be grasped on the basis of the usual representations of time and space; it is just the opposite: these representations must be determined according to their provenance out of the primessential temporalizing and spatializing.
Whence do temporalizing and spatializing have their unitary origin and their separateness? Of what sort is the originary unity, such that it casts itself asunder into this separation, and in what sense are the two separate moments here precisely unitary as the essential occurrence of the abyssal ground? It cannot be a matter here of any sort of "dialectic"; it is a matter only of the essential occurrence of the ground (and thus of truth) itself.
The structure of this essential occurrence must ever and again be placed into the projection: the essence of truth is a clearing concealment