essential occurrence of truth. This e-mergence [Ent-springen], however, is not a tearing off; just the opposite: time-space is merely the unfolding of the essence of the essential occurrence of truth.
The abyssal grounding of the ground is not thereby exhausted in its essence; it is merely clarified as the grounding of the "there."
Time-space is the gathering embrace that captivates and transports at once; it is the abyssal ground which is structured in this way, which disposes accordingly, and whose essential occurrence becomes historical in the grounding of the "there" by Da-sein (by its essential paths of sheltering the truth).
Time-space in this, its originary essence, possesses nothing of "time" and "space" in themselves as ordinarily understood, and yet it does contain a development toward these, indeed in a greater richness than could previously arise through the mathematization of space and time.
How does it happen that time-space gives way to "space and time"?
Expressed in that manner, the question is still too ambiguous and too easily misunderstood.
Therefore, the first step is to differentiate:
1. the not-yet-past history of τόπος and χρόνος within the interpretation of beings as φύσις and on the basis of an undeveloped ἀλήθεια (cf. The grounding, 241. Space and time—time-space, p. 299);
2. the unfolding of space and time out of the explicitly and originarily grasped time-space as the abyss of the ground within the thinking of the other beginning;
3. the empowering of time-space as the essential occurrence of truth within the future grounding of Dasein through the sheltering of the truth of the event in beings as thereby reconfigured;
4. the proper clarification, solution, or eradication of the difficulties which in the previous history of thought have always besieged the knowledge of space and time: e.g., the question of the "reality" of space and time, or the question of their "infinity," or of their relation to "things." All these questions are not only unanswerable but are even unaskable, as long as space and time are not grasped on the basis of time-space, i.e., as long as the question of the essence of truth is not posed radically as the question that is preliminary to the basic question of philosophy (How does beyng essentially occur?).
The connection of time-space to space and time and the unfolding of these latter out of the former can be most readily and straightforwardly clarified, at least in part, by attempting to grasp space and time themselves in their pre-mathematical form, liberating them from the previous interpretation and yet continuing in that direction