245. Truth and sheltering31
Projection and carrying out belong, in their respectively different ways, to every sheltering of truth in beings.
Every projection is storm, felicity, verve, moment. Every carrying out is serenity, persistence, renunciation (properly grasped; and the form of the appertaining inauthenticity; the distorted essence?). Neither of the two happens without co-determination through the other, and both always on account of the necessity of a sheltering.
The sheltering of truth as a growing back into the closedness of the earth. This growing back is never carried out in mere representations and feelings but always in procurement, manufacture, work, or, in short, in allowing the worlding of a world, provided this does not deteriorate into mere bustle.
As technology is brought into service more and more, not only will technology itself develop but its power will also increase beyond measure and beyond check-if there does not occur a still greater and more essential meditation on the grounding of Da-sein as a necessity which demands stillness and long preparation for the hesitant suddenness of the moments.
246. The sheltering of truth in what is true
Sheltering is fundamentally the preservation of the event through the playing out of the strife.
The preservation of self-concealment (the hesitant withholding) is not the mere safeguarding of something given; it is rather the projective binding out into the open realm, the playing out of the strife such that in the enduring of the strife the belonging to the event is reached in the strife.
Thus truth essentially occurs as what is in each case true by way of sheltering. Yet this that is true is what it is only as the un-true, at once non-being and non-grounding.
To make accessible the sheltering of truth out of its most proximate modes of procurement in correspondence to space and time.
31. Cf. Prospect, 35, 39. The event.