can have preceded this remarkable trait d'esprit. Culture and anarchy. In the beginning-no beginning [pas de commencement: also "a beginning step"] . Spirit apostrophizes itself in this verb, it addresses it to itself and says (to) itself, says it to itself, let it say it to itself and let it be well understood : in the beginning, there will have been, ghost of the future perfect, Get Geist: de l'esprit.
1. Nietzsche, 2 vols. (Pfullingen: Neske, 1961), vol. 2, p. 200 [vol. 4, p. 148].
2. Gesamtausgabe, Bd. 53, pp. 156ff.
3. "The work of spirit, according to the doctrine of modern Idealism, is the act of positing (das Setzen). Because spirit is conceived of as subject and thus is represented (vorgestellt) within the subject-object schema, the act of positing (Thesis) must be the synthesis between the subject and its objects " (Unterwegs zur Sprache, p. 248 [118]) .
4. Also, perhaps, in the constant reading of Meister Eckhart, who says for example : "Now Augustine says that, in the upper part of the soul, which is called m ens or gemüte, God created, at the same time as the being of the soul, a power (craft) which the masters call receptacle (sloz) or case (schrin) of spiritual forms or formal images ["ideas"]." Renovamini ... spiritu men tis vestrae, trans. Jeanne Ancelet-Hustache, in Sermons (Paris: Seuil, 1979), vol. III, p. 151. See too Psyche, pp. 583ff.
5. Allemann, Höderlin und Heidegger, p. 167.
6. The truth of quotation marks: this equivocation is concentrated in the interpretation of the quotation marks in which Nietzsche encloses the word "truth" (see Nietzsche, vol. I, pp. 511ff. [vol. 3, pp. 34ff].
1. "Die Sprache im Gedicht, Eine Erörterung von Georg Trakls Gedicht" (1953), in Unterwegs zur Sprache, pp. 39ff. [159-98].
2. P. 70 [188]. The necessary path would here lead from speech