en-opened by be-ing's 'settleability' — the ab-ground out of whose refusal the necessity for the counter-turning 'owning-to' the 'ownhood' of beings arises (as the swaying of what sways out of the godhood, out of the domain of man, out of the world and out of the earth).


The Settlement

'Settling' says both 'preserving' up to the maturity of swaying decision as well as 'deciding for' the sway [G308] — raising this 'deciding for' unto enowning and thus entrusting en-owning to its own sway.

Moreover, the fundamental character of 'settling' as 'preserving' and 'deciding for' is the grounding of the ab-ground that lights up, en-frees the free and shifts unto 'setting apart' [aus-ein-ander] and 'setting unto' [zu-einander] .

"What" gets settled are "countering" and "strife": in themselves both are 'settleable' in their sway, and in their 'removals-unto' both are simply entwined in one another.

En -ownment is settlement.

Enowned unto their sway and unto their ownmost are above all the countering ones (god and man) and the ones at strife (the world and the earth).

However, in this en-ownment history "comes to pass", that is, becomes fundamental as the grounding of the clearing in the Da-sein "of" man.

82. The En-owning

The en-ownment unto the 't/here' and thus the 't/here' itself is refusal of being as beingness, is the failure of every producing-calculating representing as the comportment on whose path man could find his way to being as the site of decision of his swaying-attunement.

As en-ownment, be-ing itself destroys the pre-eminence of λόγος tears away beings as such from power and thus from machination, and en-sways them unto 'ownhood'.

Only now does be-ing itself — and not just the calculability of beings - foster the genuine junction that enjoins the truth of be-ing; only now does be-ing itself foster the belongingness of the sheer earnestness of


Martin Heidegger (GA 66) Mindfulness