unconceal itself, to emerge, to come out into the unhidden [371 {GA 9: 301}] - φύσις. Only what in its very essence unconceals and must unconceal itself, can love to conceal itself. Only what is unconcealing can be concealing. And therefore the κρύπτεσθαι of φύσις is not to be overcome, not to be stripped from φύσις. Rather, the task is the much more difficult one of allowing to φύσις, in all the purity of its essence, the κρύπτεσθαι that belongs to it.

Being is the self-concealing revealing, φύσις in the original sense. Self-revealing is a coming-forth into unhiddenness, and this means: first preserving unhiddenness as such by taking it back into its essence. Unhiddenness is called ἀ-λήθεια. Truth, as we translate this word, is of the origin, i.e., it is essentially not a characteristic of human knowing and asserting, and still less is it a mere value or an "idea" that human beings (although they really do not know why) are supposed to strive to realize. Rather, truth as self-revealing belongs to being itself. Φύσις is ἀλήθεια, unconcealing, and therefore κρύπτεσθαι φιλεῖ.

[Because φύσις in the sense of the Physics is one kind of οὐσία, and because οὐσία itself stems in its essence from φύσις as projected in the beginning, therefore ἀλήθεια belongs to being and therefore presencing into the open of the ἰδέα (Plato) and into the open of the εἶδος κατὰ τὸν λόγον (Aristotle) is revealed as one characteristic of οὐσία; therefore for Aristotle the essence of κίνησις becomes visible as ἐντελέχεια and ἐνέργεια.)


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